Author: yonah

Oceans make up over 70% of the Earth, but due to harmful human activities, ocean pollution is at its highest today. Pollution is the act of infiltrating the natural environment with toxins and hazardous substances, and the ocean is being contaminated through numerous channels. Understanding sea pollution and its causes is an important step towards preventing it There are various types of ocean pollution that most people are not aware of. Here is a list of types of ocean pollution and how they affect life on earth: Industrial Pollution This is one of the biggest reasons behind increasing sea pollution.…

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Ocean pollution 2022 is on the rise and it is becoming one of the biggest environmental issues for life on earth. The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet and every year billions of pounds of debris, trash, chemicals, and pollutants are entering the seawater – polluting it. Since oceans play such a pivotal role in the health of this planet as well as all life forms existing on it – ocean pollution 2022 is not a problem we can ignore. To understand what causes marine pollution, how it is affecting us, and what role…

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